More Ben

Dolor Sit Amet

Best in 2020: The Raisins d’Ors

This year, I did my best to write down every show and movie I watched, every album and podcast I listened to, every book I read, and every board and video game I played. Now, perfectly cognizant of my yearly media ingestion and with all the wisdom of a shitty year behind me, I’m ready to identify my favorite books, shows, podcasts, and games from this year.

Before we move forward, a few notes. First, I definitely did not write down every individual piece of media I consumed this year. Leaving out Tik Toks was a strategic choice. Exempting obvious exclusions like news articles and quirky listicles, my method of inclusion necessarily omitted some items. For example, TV shows, video games, and podcasts were logged on the day I finished a season/series or beat the game. This complicates the formula by leaving out shows, podcasts, and games that I only partially engaged with. To be fair, if I didn’t finish it, it’s probably not my favorite.

Next, while I did include music, board games, and films on my list, there weren’t really enough inclusions to make the contest interesting. Even if there were, in no moderately-just world should there be people who give a shit about my music opinions.

The following lists will be presented in a format nestled somewhere between top ten list and awards show, and in each category, one piece of media I enjoyed this year will win the coveted Raisin d’Or, a tremendously prestigious award I just made up.

Above all, remember that the following lists are not limited to media that came out this year, but are limited to media I enjoyed this year, leaving out almost everything. Ready?


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